As we prepared to embark on our Uniworld tour of Salzburg, the Ramblers recalled our first visit there 17 years ago. We used one of my week-ends while teaching history to Georgia students in Metz, France and traveled there by train. A married couple in my class had gone to Salzburg the preceding week, and highly recommended it so we decided to go as well. It was a wonderful week-end. On their recommendation, we stayed at a marvelous Inn, the Romantic Hotel Gmachl, up in the green hills surrounding Salzburg, which has been in the same family for over 500 years. The Ramblers hoped that the Uniworld tour would be just as much fun.This time we wouldn’t have to spend the night trying to sleep in a first-class train compartment, but would ride in a brand-new Uniworld bus.
In 1998, Eurail sold a pass that covered almost all of Europe. It was good for a certain number of 24 hour days of travel so it had to be used judiciously, and often involved traveling at night. Both students and faculty were issued rail passes which were used for field trips as well as independent travel Lengthy field trips were reserved for Thursdays. After the educational part was over, everyone, students and faculty, split for week-end trips of their own. Classes resumed on Mondays. These passes are no longer available and using a rail pass requires even more planning today.
The Beatrice had docked in Linz, Austria around 3 am. However, we wouldn’t see much of Austria’s third largest city and largest Danube port. Our expedition to Salzburg was to last a full day. Linz did sound like a fascinating place with a 13th century main square surrounded by restored Gothic houses.

Not only had Mozart composed a symphony there, but it was also a popular spot for many other musicians, especially the composer Anton Bruckner. Bruckner served as the Linz’ cathedral organist for more than 10 years in the 19th century. To sweeten the pot, the city is also the home of the delicious Linzertorte which prominently features almonds and raspberry jam. Hope we get back there someday.
However, even the Ramblers haven’t mastered the art of being in two places at once. We had made our choice and were off to Salzburg at 8:45 am. Despite the cloudy skies and chilly weather yet again ( high 39′, low 36′) the Ramblers enjoyed the drive. We traveled through a varied landscape of farms, field, woods, a lake or two and an increasing number of foothills on the excellent Austrian roads. Half-way through the 3 hour drive, we stopped at a rest area for several kinds of refreshment.

The rest area was crowded with tourists as three Viking busses had also pulled in, along with assorted cars and vans. There were long lines for both men and women’s toilets, but no one was left behind. This Rambler was much impressed with the quality of the rest area. We have stopped at hundreds in our travels over the US and Canada, and this was one of the nicest. Instead of the vending machines that are standard in the US, it included a shop that sold a variety of local products as well as drinks and tasty snacks. No wonder it was crowded!
Salzburg, the fourth largest city in Austria, and the capital of the Austrian federal state of Salzburg, has one of the best-preserved city centers north of the Alps. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1998 Salzburg is also home to three universities. However, most tourists come here for two reasons. to visit the birthplace of Mozart and because parts of The Sound of Music, celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2015, were filmed there.

Although I might sound like a Philistine, the Rambler believes that most American tourists visit Salzburg because of The Sound of Music, and I expect, not a few folks from other parts of the world do as well. This is not the place to discuss WHY this musical is so popular, but just to admit that it is. Actually it was a contributing factor to our choice of Salzburg in 1998. We even took a Sound of Music tour, somewhat disappointing as we had a terrible guide and it was raining, yet we were eager to visiting this magical city again.
Our group was dropped off on the outskirts of the Aldstadt (old town) in a somewhat nondescript spot. I carefully noted the the street names on the map we were given, so we could find it later. It is no fun to be lost in an unfamiliar place. Our guide, unfortunately, was the worst( again, no luck in Salzburg with tour guides) we had on the whole cruise.

Fortunately the tour itself was relatively short, then we could spend the rest of the day on our own. Of course, the first site our guide pointed out related to the Sound of Music. the Mirabell Gardens, still green in December.
We then crossed the river on Salzburg’s lock bridge to the Aldstadt. The Ramblers later learned that the lock bridge was a modern phenomenon and lock bridges were now everywhere, but we dutifully checked out some of the locks. Actually the custom dates back over 100 years, but became somewhat of a fad in the 2000’s. Countless pairs of lovers have vowed their love by clipping a padlock on a bridge and throwing the key in the river. Don’t know what they do if they use a combination lock??? Some cities encourage this, others consider the locks a form of litter and remove them.

Crossing the bridge, we saw our first and only street musician, a zither player. He was bundled up against the chilly wind that blew down the Salzach river. Fortunately zithers are played sitting down which must have helped a little. I couldn’t tell if he was playing Mozart, as I had to hustle to keep with our group. He certainly wasn’t playing anything from Sound of Music!
On to the Alstadt!
Hello from Nashville, your neighbor to the NW. We are looking for a day cruise on the Danube, similar to the Dusseldorfer that goes up and down the River Rhine. I use a medical mobility scooter and was told it wouldn’t be a possibility on a River Cruise as the passengers sometimes have to possibly traverse 3 River Boats in order to get off on the dock. I welcome your personal experience regarding this.
Hi Ginger,
River cruises aren’t always friendly to people with mobility issues. If you are looking for a day cruise on the Danube, there are several local companies that have day cruises along the most picturesque parts of the Danube. They do not raft up and I don’t think you would have any problems boarding. The best thing to do would be to do a search and write to the company or even ask a question on Trip Advisory.
On our Danube cruise on the Maria Theresa, low water prevented our ship from cruising this area; it is the biggest of the Uniworld ships so we took a local cruise ship. That’s why I know they have them.
Rafting together two or three ships doesn’t occur very often, it results from the increasing popularity of river cruising and the lack of dock space. We have taken 5 river cruises and only rafter 2 or 3 times.
Another element to consider is the water level in relation to the ship.Often they are not level and you have to walk or ride up or down. Most aren’t at a very steep angle though. The water levels in the Danube and Rhine do fluctuate and both low and high water can be problematic. If the water is too high, the ship can’t clear some of the low bridges, if too low, the ship may run aground.